Picture the scene – your client is getting ready to close on their home loan when the loan officer calls to say your credit score went down 20 points from when they originally pulled their credit. Now that 20 point decline means the difference between putting 10% down on their
Credit Score Tool
Experian provides a chance to test your clients credit against their neighbors with its National Score Index. Using this tool, you type in your zip code and out pops the “score index,” the average credit score based on a representative sample of consumers, for the nation, region, state, and
Utah ‘s H.B.158 could modified the states’ CP Act.
Utah’s representative Paul Ray introduced a bill: H.B. 158, that is a modification to the Consumer Protection Act in the state. This bill language of the bill is extremely interesting which states: Highlighted Provisions: 11 This bill: 12 . defines terms; 13 . under certain circumstances, requires the consumer
CRA In The Press
A recent FTC study of errors in credit reports is getting a lot of press. According to the most recent in a number of studies of the accuracy of credit reports, about 5% of U.S. consumers have an error on their credit report that is serious enough to increase their
How Mortgage Delinquencies Affect Credit Scores
How much impact does a short sale have on FICO® Scores? How about a foreclosure? Since I frequently hear these questions from consultants that their clients ask and from others, I thought I’d share new FICO research that sheds light on this very subject. The FICO study simulated various types
1099-C Cancellation of Debt
A 1099c is based on the interpretation by IRS that excused debt does not excuse obligation for someone to pay tax on the debt. They consider debt accrued by a consumer that is ultimately excused by a creditor as “income” to the consumer, even though the consumer did not receive any $$.
Student Loan Collections
Bloomberg reports that Congress will consider overhauling debt collection in the $100 billion-a-year U.S. student loan program, replacing it with automatic withdrawals from borrowers’ paychecks tied to their income — a system similar to those sued in the U.K., New Zealand and Australia. The bill, proposed by Wisconsin Republican Representative
A story in the NYT story says it is now about the e-scores. The e-score is a private digitized ranking of consumers in the range of 0 to 99 that tells marketers your full socio- economic status, including your occupation, salary, and home value. It also reports on your distinct spending
New Credit Scoring Models – Lenders are Using More Than Just Your FICO Score
Beyond the FICO credit score, banks and credit card issuers are digging deeper into people’s lives and using powerful new tools to see where you live, how often you switch jobs or telephone lines, or whether or not you get paid with direct deposit to decide whether you deserve a
Affiliates For Credit Repair Service? Think Again!!!
Let me start by saying that we believe in affiliate marketing in many regards. However there are some specific issues affecting the credit service industry that you as a consultant must consider. Law Firms are in general exempted from the Credit Repair Organization Act especially regarding the bond needed.