Foreclosure Scams

What is a foreclosure scam? Foreclosure scams often involve multiple or fraudulent bankruptcy petitions used to delay foreclosure on a property without any intent to actually make good on the bankruptcy filing. Homeowners who are in danger of losing their homes or that have filed for bankruptcy are approached by

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Get Ready for An Avalanche of Consumer Credit Regulation

Never in memory have so many consumer credit regulatory changes been promulgated or expected imminently. The increased burden on financial organization compliance departments is extraordinary. Due to the rapid pace with which Congress and the federal regulators have issued these new rules, it was probably inevitable that compliance with and

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Get The Lowest Mortage Rates

Work only with a broker willing to provide you with the wholesale rate sheets for their preferred lenders.  There are MANY wholesale lenders and they all have different pricing, requirements, add-ons, restrictions, etc. Most brokers submit most of their loans to one or two lenders because they expect ADDITIONAL rebates

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FTC New Law: Disputing With the Original Creditor

Effective July1, 2010, the new FTC law requires the original creditor of a consumer’s dispute to respond by conducting an investigation. The law does not permit them to verify the information but to do an actual investigation of the dispute. Why is this one of the most powerful tool available

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Experian and Sink to a New Low

One of the many banes of my existence is Not only do their ads play incessantly during any sporting event that I care to watch, but my children also used to walk around the house singing the catchy tunes featured in the commercials. That behavior–along with all other forms

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Student Loan Bomb!

NACBA released a survey of its members indicating that more potential clients these days have unmanageable educational loans and are facing aggressive collection efforts. See It has become common for people to have two mortgage-size debts, one for a home and another for an education. The educational loan

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Bankrupcty & Divorce

All too often money problems lead to divorce.  So it’s normal that a bankruptcy (or two) will be part of the picture. Should you file bankruptcy first, or wait until the divorce is filed or concluded?  A good question.  The answer depends entirely on where you live and what issues

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